Paid Advertising & Retargeting

Showing up in the search results is one of the most powerful ways for businesses to grow online. At the end of the day, fancy marketing jargon aside, business owners want leads.

Earning leads online means dominating the search results, both organic and paid. The fastest way to get a seat at the table is with Pay Per Click advertising that works in tandem with our SEO efforts, and showing up multiple times on the same Search Engine Results Page (SERP) can be a powerful indicator to searchers that your brand is both relevant and prominent in your respective industry.

By combining PPC with SEO you can be visible for many more search terms than through SEO efforts alone, and get immediate exposure to those ads while the longer, ongoing process of organic SEO works in the background.

Extensive research at the start of the campaign allows us to understand your business and use the right keywords, in conjunction with the best ad text to optimize your campaign. All keywords and text will be deployed only upon your approval, and are rigorously A/B tested every month for continuous conversion optimization.

PPC takes expertise and diligence. It’s easy to overspend, and it’s hard to track results. That’s where we shine.

Retargeting Your Website Visitors

The power of retargeting can't be understated. As in integral piece of our multi-channel marketing strategy, when a prospect visits your website, a tracking code is launched, initiating a laser-focused Retargeting Ad Campaign that gently nurtures those prospects back to your website.

These retargeting ads are displayed only to prospects who have already visited your website, and they 'follow' the prospect around the Internet over several months and across more than 2 million websites in the Google Display Ad Network of websites that they visit on a daily basis, from CNN to ESPN and everything in between.

Whether a prospect clicks on these ads or not, the repeated brand exposure keeps you from becoming 'out of sight, out of mind' for these prospects and, like all Pay Per Click ads, retargeting ads incur no cost until actually clicked by a prospect (paid directly to Google). The initial value of these ads equals thousands of free impressions that keep you in front of your important prospects and leads.

When a prospect actually clicks an ad, they are directed back to your website, which is a huge touch point, a strong indicator of interest, and is trackable and measurable through our analytics.

With a vast amount of experience in PPC campaign management, Sizzling Digital will create, design and build out the ad campaign, manage and optimize it every month, and present ongoing reporting and statistics.

PPC allows us to super target your desired customers by using demographic traits and specific keywords. The merits associated with using a PPC program include:

  • Targeted Website Traffic: Only the prospects you are targeting see your ads.
  • Free Brand Exposure: You only pay when a prospect clicks your ad, but thousands more see your brand for free.
  • Flexible Schedule: You can decide exactly when your ads are shown.
  • Cost Effectiveness: If done right, PPC can be one the most cost-effective advertising methods.
  • Fast and Measurable Results: Your ads start displaying within 24 hours of launch.

Capturing Pre-Qualified Leads

Targeting and bidding on carefully chosen keywords means your clicks will result in qualified traffic & more conversions. Extensive research at the start of the campaign allows us to understand your business and use the right keywords, in conjunction with the best ad text to optimize your campaign. All keywords and text will be deployed only upon your approval, and are rigorously A/B tested every month for continuous conversion optimization.

Stretching Your Marketing Dollar

By fine-tuning your target keywords and negative keyword lists we’ll help maximize the bang for every buck spent.

No two PPC campaigns are alike. Sometimes manual bidding will be most effective. Other times, algorithms and data lead decision-making.

Retargeting Website Visitors

The power of retargeting can't be understated. Tracking codes inform us of the trends and habits of the people who have visited your website, and retargeting those visitors shows them ads for your brand across over 2 million websites on the Google Display Network, keeping you top of mind gently nurturing those visitors back to your site.

Tracking Inbound Calls to Know Their Source

Did you know phone leads are 10-15 times more likely to convert? If they’re not part of your digital strategy, you’re potentially leaving a lot of money on the table. We use call tracking tools that leverage dynamic phone numbers and extensions to monitor how many calls each of your marketing channels is generating. Phone leads are the most difficult leads to attribute to a source. Sure, you can ask the prospect "Where did you hear about us?" but often they don't remember and it's difficult to get a concrete answer out of them. They might reply "I saw you on Google." But that doesn't help us much when it comes to determining the ROI of your various channels - Did they see a Google search ad? Did they see you in the organic search results on Google? Were they redirected to your website via a banner add on another website as part of a Google website retargeting display campaign? Or they might reply "I learned about you on LinkedIn." But did they pick up the phone when you sent them a direct message, or did they see an article you posted on your LinkedIn company page, or open an email they received from you via LinkedIn InMail? You get the idea. Knowing exactly where every lead is coming from is crucial to determining the ROI of each marketing channel and knowing how to continually improve your campaign.

Test. Test. Test.

We constantly monitor and A/B test your campaigns and ad copy to optimize their performance and cost, along with conversion rates.

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